Bachelor in Paradise 4×07 Review: Double Trouble in Paradise

On the last few days of Paradise, things get crazy as connections begin to develop and relationships fall apart.

Love is definitely in the air on the Mexican beaches as everyone starts to intermingle. Jack goes from the guy who kissed no one to everyone wanting to kiss him. According to the ladies, he’s a great kisser and no one would know that better than Christen.

However, Christen gets pulled away from Jack to go on a date with newcomer Blake Elarbee (Bachelorette 13). They go on a double adventure date with Dominique and fellow newcomer Fred Johnson (Bachelorette 13). While their date is happening, Robby gets to take Amanda on a date and they get cozy at a cute little amusement park.

When everyone returns, Chris springs a Rose Ceremony on them and the girls have the power. This is when Dean finally reveals to Kristina that he would not accept her rose and that he is now pursuing DLo. Kristina, of course, is pissed and I don’t blame her. Honestly, I think her and DLo are way out of Dean’s league and both of them need to forget him and move onto someone who would be better for the both of them.

Instead of moving on, Kristina goes to Raven for advice. That’s when sparks begin to implode. Kristina not only blames Dean for his actions, but also DLo’s for hers. Raven tries to tell her it’s not DLo’s fault, but Kristina is not having any of it and storms off. At the bar, Wells then comes in with the quote of the night. He asks Kristina why she is fighting for someone who is not fighting for her. He tells her that she doesn’t deserve the torture she’s being put through. Thankfully she listens to him but also,  Wells is always coming in hot with the best advice.


At the end of the night, four leave Paradise, but two of them decide to walk away. When it was her turn to give out a rose, Kristina said adios for obvious reasons. The other was Ben Z. who said it was because there wasn’t anyone there that he has found a connection with. The two who got booted were newcomers Blake and Fred, who only lasted hours in Paradise as they were the ones left standing without a rose.

The next day Jaimi King (Bachelor 21) comes in and takes Diggy on a date that leaves Dominque in an emotional state. However, Jaimi wasn’t the only newcomer to arrive. The Twins, Emily and Haley Ferguson (Bachelor in Paradise 3) arrived and attempted to shake things up.

The Twins come in with their hearts set on Derrick and Dean, both who are obviously taken. Amanda fills them in on who is available, saying it’s only Jonathan “Tickle Monster” and “Serial Killer” Jack Stone. Disappointed with their options, Haley ends up asking Jack and Emily, not caring about DLo, and asks Dean. Dean, finally being the bigger man, turns down Emily because he wants to explore his relationship with DLo now that he doesn’t have to worry about Kristina. After putting up a fight, Emily ends up settling and asking Tickle Monster.


The drama doesn’t stop there. Before going on the date, Jack is hanging with the guys and reveals that he doesn’t want to go on the date. He tells the Twins he wants to stay to work on his relationship with Christen. The two obviously don’t take it well and go off on him and the entire beach. They start flipping everyone off as they leave Paradise. The Twins had a short, but also dramatic, run.

The next day after things cooled down from the drama, Chris pulled everyone together to tell them that it’s their last day in Paradise. I’m ready for this season to end next week because it’s probably been one of the more boring Bachelor in Paradise seasons. While each episode has had its entertaining moments, when looking at the series as a whole, I feel like the people and the relationships weren’t as genuine and honestly, kind of boring.

Here’s to seeing if the finale will be the “most dramatic in Bachelor in Paradise history.”



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