Evolve: Stage Two : Monster-Hunting Game Relaunches as Free-to-Play

Despite “Evolve” garnering massive attention and praise when it was announced, the product was more…

PlayStation VR Impressions

It appears that science fiction is becoming reality faster than we could have anticipated. Despite…

PlayStation’s ‘Best of E3’ Sale Is Going On Right Now

E3 was filled with some huge announcements and great surprises this year. But just because new games…

E3 2016: Sony Press Conference

  Sony had a great presentation at this year’s conference presenting tons of new games.…

E3 2016: Ubisoft Press Conference

E3 is here again and with it comes all of our Ubisoft speculations confirmed or…

E3 2016 Nintendo: Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild

Oh, Nintendo. Every time you show a new Zelda game, it’s like you’re owning another…

E3 2016: Xbox Press Conference

Microsoft had a very solid presentation at this year’s conference covering console updates, new Xbox…