Jake Horowitz on making an authentic ‘B’ sci-fi film with “The Vast of Night”

One of the best films from last year’s festival circuit just hit Amazon Prime today. The Vast of Night, directed by Andrew Patterson, takes you back to 1950s New Mexico at the dawn of the space race, where technology and…

The Twilight Zone: Celebrating 57 Years, and Our Favorite Episodes

  On October 2nd, 1959, the world of science fiction would forever be shifted by the workings of Mr. Rod Serling. Following the likes of earlier programs such as Tales of Tomorrow and Science Fiction Theater, The Twilight Zone would…

10 Great TV Episodes About Fatherhood

Today we celebrate dad’s, including some of our favorite fictional ones. And while there have been plenty of dependable good fathers on TV, great stories about fatherhood can be rare. In the heyday of TV we saw plenty of perfect…