Heroes and Villains Fan Fest Recap

Posted by Camille Espiritu, Alex Suffolk, and Yasmin Kleinbart On November 21 and 22, we went to the first ever Heroes and Villains Fanfest in San Jose, California. It was the first of its kind, planned out by “Arrow’s” himself, Stephen Amell. When…

TV Review: Arrow (4×07) “Brotherhood”

“Brotherhood” opens with a bike chase strangely reminiscent of the truck heist in The Dark Knight, until Team Arrow comes in with a Canary Cry, and Diggle comically smashing a truck, before the Ghosts set a mountain of cash ablaze. Again,…

TV Review: The Flash (2×07) “Gorilla Warfare”

Welcome back to my weekly review and recap of The Flash. To catch up on previous coverage, click here. One of the many things that I enjoy about The Flash is how well they utilize recurring villains. Many similar shows adopt a more…

TV Review: Arrow (4×06) “Lost Souls”

      “Lost Souls” opens with a flashback to the end of Season 3, when Ray first attempted his miniaturization technology now that we’re officially aware that he is, in fact, not dead. Instead, he’s actually trapped in a…

TV Review: The Flash (2×06) “Enter Zoom”

Welcome back to my weekly review and recap of The Flash. To catch up on previous coverage, click here. Well then friends, let’s talk about Zoom. Holy shit, right? The first, truly, jaw dropping moment of the first season for me…

TV Review: Arrow (4×05) “Haunted”

Arrow is continuing to keep its plots narrowed and focused this week, as everything in motion is interrupted for our characters when Sara has escaped into Star City to create chaos. The episode opens with Sara’s intentions appearing unclear as…

TV Review: The Flash (2×05) “The Darkness and the Light”

Welcome back to my weekly review and recap of The Flash. To catch up on previous coverage, click here. Let’s be real. Despite quite a lot going down in this week’s episode of The Flash, “The Darkness and the Light”, the clear…