Guest Post: The Path to Publication – Jill Mackenzie

I’m thrilled to be hosting a guest post from author Jill Mackenzie. Her debut YA novel Spin the Sky released on November 1st, 2016, and today she’s on The Young Folks to talk about her journey to publication. With that…

The Reputation Reclamation: Books with a good reputation

Growing up in a small town, it was hard, if not altogether impossible, to escape having some sort of reputation. (And really, having no reputation was probably just as undesirable as having a bad one.) I could name every person in my graduating class, all 200-something of us.

Guest Post: The Villain as a Hero by Lisa Jensen

Today I’m excited to feature a guest post from author Lisa Jensen, whose book ‘Alias Hook’ just came out in paperback on May 5, 2015! She’s here to tell us about why she wrote about Captain Hook as a sympathetic…

Guest Post: C.C. Hunter – ‘That Perfect Love Connection’

It is my pleasure to feature a guest post from an incredible YA author – the powerful, the pleasurable, the indestructible Mushu  C.C. Hunter. She has penned both the Shadow Falls series and the Shadow Falls: After Dark series, most recently Eternal,…

Guest Post – LOOP by Karen Akins

Today I have the pleasure of hosting a guest post from Karen Akins, the author of the upcoming book LOOP. At a school where Quantum Paradox 101 is a required course and history field trips are literal, sixteen year-old time…